Good monsters with the Abomination trait include Pierceid, Krugbo, and Faugnar.

You can take Dominating Eggs if you think Possessing Eggs has a long cooldown. Horror Eggs is used over Torment Eggs because it has no cooldown.

Viper Munch has good power and poisons a target. After that, use Multi Effect Eggs in order to give both Blind and Burn to all your foes. Start with Possessing Eggs to possess all your enemies. Multi Effect Eggs (AoE 20 Magic dmg + Blind + Burn, 35s, 4 CD).Possessing Eggs (AoE 25 Magic dmg + Possession, 31s, 4 CD).Horror Eggs / Torment Eggs (45 Magic dmg + Nightmares, 28s, 0 CD) / (55 Magic dmg + Nightmares, 29s, 2 CD).Viper Munch / Snake Gnaw / Dominating Eggs (55 Special dmg + Poison, 29s, 2 CD) / (45 Special dmg + Poison, 28s, 0 CD) / (AoE 20 Magic dmg + 50% chance of Possession, 31s, 2 CD).Bizarre relic slots (Trap doesn't work with such low health).Whilst nowadays, he cannot compete in the meta, he is a solid beginner denier. Eggeater boasts a plethora of possession moves, and has a variety of tortures at his disposal including Poison, Nightmares, and Burn. Now, as the meta has progressed, he's become a bit outdated. Eggeater was the first legendary to introduce an AoE Possession move, making him a pretty big threat back in the day.